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DIY Components

For the DIY enthusiasts aiming for the best, we offer a fine selection of amplifier and smps modules. Next to that we can provide you with the right connection materials and accessories.


For the DIY enthusiasts aiming for the best, we offer a fine selection of amplifier modules.

Switch Mode Power Supplies (SMPS)

With the SMPS family power supplies you can power all modules from the UcD™ and Nilai® families. With different power ratings and different output voltages you can build endless combinations.

Connection Materials

Everything to hook up our amplifiers modules, switch mode power supplies and more.



DIY PreDIGin add-on, DIY Faceplates, OLED Display.



Ncore® is the first class D amplifier not just to nudge the best linear amplifiers, but to surpass them in every aspect relevant to sound quality.

Mains powered NCORE® Family
NCORE® active speaker Family
Plate Amplifiers